Lineup for Montréal-Python 30 Nootropic Nutrients

Have you ever delivered kick-ass code on time? Was it by dumb luck or was it because you used the best ingredients around? Montréal-Python 30, Nootropic Nutriments, is the place to be to share all the tips, tricks and secrets to get the best out of our beloved Python. Join …

Category: Montréal Python
12 years ago

Author Yannick

FounderFuel: second round

Let me tell you a story… Two years ago, I embarked on this great adventure starting a company, raising high my Python sword and slashing all the challenges that I would face during my journey. This feeling that warms you up when someone finds your code so useful that they …

Category: Montréal Python
12 years ago

Author Yannick

Montréal Open Data Hackathon

We live in Montréal and we hack Python code; this is who we are. Right now, it just got event more exciting to be a hacker in this city. We hack code, but when our code interacts with cool data, the dance is a lot spicier. On Wednesday, the city …

Category: Sprints
12 years ago

Author Yannick

Second McGill Python workshop was a success

Last week, Mathieu Perreault and Derek Ruths gave the second McGill Python Workshop. With around 40 attendees, the event was definitely a success and you should expect another workshop soon. Derek lets us know: We showcased a number of libraries that ship with Python including support for working with SQLite …

Category: Tutorials/Workshops
12 years ago

Author Yannick

Montréal-Python 23 – Geosynchronous Glory – 2011-09-26

Open data, geolocation, and politics are going to bring us together on Monday the 26th for Montréal-Python 23 – Geosynchronous Glory. A snacks will be provided but do not expect a complete meal. The meeting will be held in room SH-3260 of the UQAM Sherbrooke building. According to our new …

Category: Event
12 years ago

Author Yannick

Montréal-Python 22 on 2011-06-27

Summer in Montréal, when it's not raining, is an immersing world of tempting pleasures. Falling Foulard, the 22th Montréal-Python meeting, will feature presentations on security and reverse engineering, the novel art of the electron-flirt. Join us on June 27th in room SH-R810 of the UQAM Sherbrook building for a fast …

Category: Event
13 years ago

Author Yannick

PyCon 2014 and 2015: in Montréal

As most of you know, we have been working pretty hard during the last few months to get PyCon in Montréal. The Python Software Foundation held, today the 13th of March 2011 at PyCon 2011, a Site Selection Meeting to choose the host city for PyCon 2014 and 2015... It's …

Category: Conferences
13 years ago

Author Yannick

Packaging Sprint #11: remote only

Due to the very low rate of registration, we won't hold the sprint tomorrow at Le Site. The sprint will be remote only; you can still meet us on, in #montrealpython and in #distutils. We take note that sprinting during the weekend is not a good option for most …

Category: Montréal Python
13 years ago

Author Yannick

How much do Python hackers earn?

Part of our mission here at Montréal-Python is to allow more hackers work full time with Python. We're really happy with the state of the Python job market in Montréal compared to how it was a few years ago but too often, we hear about employers and job seekers who …

Category: Montréal Python
13 years ago

Author Yannick


According to the success of our last 5-à-7 at Cheval Blanc, we're forced to admit that Pythonistas are beer fans. Of course we like to hang around together, we Pythonistas, but we shouldn't be afraid to drop a pint whilst enjoying the company of coders from other horizons at the …

Category: Montréal Python
13 years ago

Author Yannick