Python Night 2 Wrap-up

This second edition of the Montréal-Python Python Night was a great success! We've managed to work with the Python community, contribute some stuff and have a lot of fun. People present were working on quite different stuff, in particular: Efforts to make Pelican compatible with Python 3.3 People that …

Category: Montréal Python
11 years ago

Author Mathieu

Python Night 2

After the great success of the first Python Night in December, we're making it a monthly event! A Python night is a very simple event where people meet up to work on different projects and generally mess around with Python code. Everyone is welcome, any skill level, even if you …

Category: Montréal Python
11 years ago

Author Éric

Python Night 1

Come one and all to the inaugural Python Night organized by Montréal-Python! A Python night is a very simple event where people meet up to work on different projects and generally mess around with Python code. Everyone is welcome, any skill level. We will encourage people to help each other …

Category: Montréal Python
11 years ago

Author Mathieu

Code Retreat Montréal

You are invited to participate to the second edition of the Global Day of Code Retreat. A Code Retreat is a day-long intense practice event focusing on the fundamentals of software development and design. Practicing the fundamentals is an essential step to increase maintainability and to be able to write …

Category: Montréal Python
11 years ago

Author Mathieu

Call to citizens to fight against government corruption !

Don't forget, this weekend, we are inviting you to participate to "Hackons la Corruption" which will be held on November 10th and 11th at the Centre communautaire de loisirs à Montréal (Sainte-Catherine d'Alexandrie, 1700 Amherst Street.) For the first time in Quebec, citizens will use their skills to fight against …

Category: Montréal Python
11 years ago

Author Mathieu

Python Bug Day this Saturday in Montreal and on IRC

This Saturday, you have the opportunity of participating in the Python Bug Day. How would you like to be one of the contributors of Python? If you have ideas for improving parts of the official documentation, the standard library, the language itself, or if you have a patch waiting for …

Category: Montréal Python
11 years ago

Author Éric

PyCon Canada

Summer is ending and we're working hard to prepare you a rockingly unique back to school time! Well when we're gone, there ain't no stop! And that's why when our siblings from Toronto launched PyCon Canada we really wanted to be in it. Indeed, the whole Canadian Pythonistas community is …

Category: Montréal Python
11 years ago

Author Mathieu

Lineup for Montréal-Python 30 Nootropic Nutrients

Have you ever delivered kick-ass code on time? Was it by dumb luck or was it because you used the best ingredients around? Montréal-Python 30, Nootropic Nutriments, is the place to be to share all the tips, tricks and secrets to get the best out of our beloved Python. Join …

Category: Montréal Python
12 years ago

Author Yannick

Second Distutils2 Sprint Wrap-up

The second event in our series of Distutils2 sprints was again a success. We've managed to fix some interesting issues and we've gained some experience points at dealing with the black magic of the packaging arcane. We would like to thank TP1 for hosting the sprint at their nice Downtown …

Category: Montréal Python
12 years ago

Author Éric

Next Distutils2 Sprint

The first Distutils2 sprint, held on the 21st of April at RadialPoint's office, was a real success. That afternoon marked the renewal of Montréal-Python's contributions to this vital project of the Python ecosystem. Indeed, two years ago, sprints were organized here at the very beginning of Distutils2, which aims to …

Category: Montréal Python
12 years ago

Author Éric